Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Sun, Daffodils and Nick Drake.

Yes, the sun is out,

Bathing us in glorious, vitamin D enriching, life giving photons. There are Daffodils flowering everywhere you could care to cast your eye, there are birds building nests, the ducks have started laying (YUM).

Yes that's right, in our little corner of Scotland, Spring is Springing... all over the place! and its welcome too, dull and grey has been the colour scheme for far to long, I like the colour of fresh green, it's full of promise, Spring is of course my favourite time of year (as if you couldn't tell). Cynical old git that I am, I actually quite like it when mother nature comes along and proves me wrong, she does somewhat replenish a world that I would so easily give up on. Fed up with seeing the brown, and pale coloured world of winter, suddenly this young and vibrant set of new colours appear as if out of nowhere, and they kind of shout "wait! Wait just one minute". Various bits of old and tired looking grass, now playing host to a plethora of springtime flowers, looks like a Vari Lite has been sick over the lawn!

And yet we have this feeling of melancholy, really we are saying our final goodbye to the past year, for me, Spring is the point at which we should have the new year... Think about it, it is the time when the ground around us stops playing dead and gives us the first new shoots of the year. Now is the time for looking forward to the new, for the year ahead, for saying goodbye to the past! Its like saying goodbye to an old friend, even if it hasn't been the greatest of years, hence the Nick Drake!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog updating is as good as mine! Life just takes over doesn't it. Long time since the Stroud Fringe days :-(
